Roadway Analytics
A product that provides historical insight for transportation planners as far as performance, congestion, bottlenecks, speeds, and trends on roadways and regions.
A product that provides historical insight for transportation planners as far as performance, congestion, bottlenecks, speeds, and trends on roadways and regions.
This customer journey is based off of the Transportation Planner point of view. The journey demonstrates what they think, and how they feel as they interact across multiple touch points or relationship stages. (Location Definition, Data Collection, Data Cleanup, and Presentation or Report Creation)
When I design a new information architecture for a product, the overall goal to help users understand where they are, what they’ve found, what’s around, and what to expect.
Interactive spreadsheet allowing managers to easily adjust salary, bonus, stock, and promotions, while keeping within a budget
The Enterprise mobile shift infographic displaying statistics on how businesses use mobile.